and book chapters
new & forthcoming | books
| articles | columns
| blog
| in
progress ]
Bridging the Global Artificial Intelligence Divide,
in Inclusive Innovation in the Age of AI and Big Data (Daryl Lim & Peter K. Yu eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2026)
Artificial Intelligence, Copyright Reform and the Opt-Out
Conundrum, 25 Eur. J.L. Reform (forthcoming 2025)
Intelligence, Intellectual Property, and Sustainable
Development, in Intellectual Property, Ethical Innovation and Sustainability: Towards a New Social Contract for the Digital Economy?
(Christophe Geiger ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming
The Changing Contours of International Protection for Trade
Dress, 24 Fla. St. U. Bus. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)
The Origins of the Human Rights Framework for Intellectual
Property, in Intellectual Property Cold War Structures (P. Sean Morris ed., Brill | Nijhoff, forthcoming 2025)
The Algorithmic Divide in China and an Emerging Comparative Research Agenda,
in Automating Governance in China? Data-Driven Systems in the Scoring Society
(Yu Haiqing & Rogier Creemers eds., Leiden University Press, forthcoming 2025)
Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Creation, and the Future Path of Copyright
Law, 50 BYU L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)
The Globalization of
Copyright Exceptions for AI Training, 74 Emory
L.J. (forthcoming 2025) (with Matthew Sag)
Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law (Paul
Torremans, Irini Stamatoudi, Peter K. Yu &
Bernd Justin
Jütte eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2025)
The Complex Interplay Between Intellectual Property and the Right to
Science, 104 B.U. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)
The Antitrust–Copyright Interface in the Age of Generative Artificial
Intelligence, 74 Emory L.J. (forthcoming 2025) (with Daryl Lim)
The Future Path of Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law in the Asian
Pacific, 96 Computs. & L. (forthcoming 2025)
TRIPS and the Tradification of Intellectual
Property, in Routledge Handbook on International Economic Law (David Collins & Valentina Vadi eds., forthcoming
2025) (with Daniel Gervais)
The Law–Machine Interface and the Changing Interplay
Between Artificial Intelligence and the Law, in Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence (Woodrow Barfield & Ugo Pagallo eds., 2d
ed., forthcoming 2025)
TRIPS and Its Futures,
in Intellectual Property Futures: Exploring the Global Landscape of IP Law and Policy (Graham Reynolds, Alexandra Mogyoros & Teshager Dagne eds., University of Ottawa Press, forthcoming
The Discursive Contributions of Debates on Intellectual Property and Human Rights, in The Interface of Intellectual Property Law with
Other Legal Disciplines (Christophe Geiger ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming
the Right to Science Reduce the Tensions Between
Intellectual Property and Human Rights?, in A Human-Centered Approach to Health Innovations: Reconciling Intellectual Property with Human Rights (Lisa
Biersay, Thomas Pogge & Peter K. Yu eds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming
Pasts, Innovation Pathways and Intellectual Property, in
Innovation and Triple Helix (Anselm Kamperman Sanders ed.,
Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2025)
Wars: Developing Countries Strike
Back, in Flashpoints: Changing Paradigms in Intellectual Property and Technology Law
(Alexandra George ed., Quid Pro Press, forthcoming 2025)
WIPO Negotiations on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional
Knowledge, 57 Akron L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024)
Reshaping Intellectual Property Scholarship from
Within, 85 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 857 (2024)
Intellectual Property, Global Inequality, and Subnational Policy Variations, in Intellectual Property,
Innovation and
Economic Inequality 81 (Daniel Benoliel, Peter K. Yu, Francis
Gurry & Keun Lee eds., Cambridge University Press
to Intellectual Property, Innovation and Economic Inequality
1 (Daniel Benoliel, Peter K. Yu, Francis
Gurry & Keun Lee eds., Cambridge University
Press 2024) (with Daniel
China, the TRIPS Waiver, and the Global Pandemic
Response, in Intellectual Property, COVID-19, and the Next Pandemic: Diagnosing Problems, Developing Cures
343 (Sun Haochen & Madhavi Sunder eds.,
Cambridge University Press 2024)
Deploying Blockchain Technology in the Copyright
Office, in NFTs, Creativity and the Law: Within and Beyond Copyright
Bonadio & Caterina Sganga eds., Routledge 2024)
The Discursive Contributions of Max Planck Declarations, Principles and Position
Statements, in Kreation Innovation Märkte—Creation Innovation Markets: Festschrift Reto M. Hilty 417
(Florent Thouvenin, Alexander Peukert, Thomas Jaeger & Christophe Geiger eds.,
Springer 2024)
War and
IP, 49 BYU L. Rev. 823 (2024)
The COVID-19 TRIPS Waiver and the WTO Ministerial
Decision, in Intellectual Property Rights in Times of
Crisis 1 (Jens Schovsbo
ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2024)
Intellectual Property, Foreign Investment and Sustainable
Development, in The Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and
the Sustainable Development Goals 537 (Bita Amani, Caroline B. Ncube & Matthew Rimmer eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2024)
The Comparative Law and Economics of Counterfeits and Post-Sale
Confusion, in Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of
Trademark Law 363 (Glynn S.
Lunney, Jr.
ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2023)
A Critical Appraisal of the COVID-19 TRIPS
Waiver, in Intellectual Property Rights in the Post Pandemic World: An Integrated Framework of Sustainability, Innovation and Global Justice
11 (Taina Pihlajarinne, Jukka Tapio Mähönen & Pratyush Nath Upreti eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2023)
Vaccine Development, the China Dilemma, and International Regulatory
Challenges, 55 N.Y.U. J. Int’l L. & Pol. 739 (2023)
Rethinking Education Theft Through
the Lens of Intellectual Property and Human Rights, 123
Colum. L. Rev. 1449 (2023)
Two Decades of TRIPS in
China, in China and the WTO: A 20-Year Assessment
89 (Henry Gao, Damian Raess & Zeng Ka eds., Cambridge University
Three Megatrends in the International Intellectual Property
Regime, 41 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 457 (2023)
The Changing Chemistry Between Intellectual Property and Investment
Law, in Improving Intellectual Property: A Global Project
405 (Susy Frankel, Margaret Chon, Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Barbara Lauriat & Jens Schovsbo eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2023)
Deferring Intellectual Property Rights in Pandemic
Times, 74 Hastings L.J. 489 (2023)
Incremental Development of the ASEAN–China Strategic
Partnership for Intellectual Property, in Intellectual Property Law in Southeast Asia
266 (Christoph Antons & Michael Blakeney eds., Edward Elgar
A New Approach to the Geopolitics of Chinese
Internets, 25 Info. Commc’n & Soc’y 2335 (2022) (with Jack Linchuan Qiu and Elisa Oreglia)
Marshalling Copyright Knowledge to Understand Four Decades of Berne,
12 IP Theory, no. 1, 2022, at 59
Amendment to the Chinese Copyright Law, 69 J. Copyright
Soc’y U.S.A. 5 (2022)
Preface, 69 J. Copyright Soc’y U.S.A. 1 (2022)
Copyright Flexibilities for User-Generated Creativity, in
Reforming Intellectual Property 304 (Gustavo Ghidini &
Valeria Falce eds., Edward Elgar Publishing
Intellectual Property, Cultural Heritage, and Human
Rights, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage
294 (Irini Stamatoudi ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2022)
US-China Intellectual Property Trade
Wars, in Research Handbook on Trade Wars 271
(Zeng Ka
& Liang Wei eds., Edward Elgar Publishing
Injunctions, 71 Am. U. L. Rev. 1537 (2022) (with Jorge L. Contreras and Yu Yang)
The U.S.-China Forced Technology Transfer
Dispute, 52 Seton Hall L. Rev. 1003 (2022)
The Long and Winding Road to Effective Copyright Protection in China, 49
Pepp. L. Rev. 681 (2022)
Intellectual Property Paradoxes in Pandemic
Times, 71 GRUR Int'l 293 (2022)
Fitting Machine-Generated Data into Trade Regulatory
Holes, in Trade in Knowledge: Intellectual Property, Trade and Development in a Transformed Global Economy
738 (Antony Taubman & Jayashree Watal eds., Cambridge University
TRIPS in the Field of Test Data
Protection, in 25 Years of the TRIPS Agreement: Past, Present, Future
219 (Christopher Heath & Anselm Kamperman Sanders eds., Kluwer Law
International 2022)
The Second Transformation of the International Intellectual Property
Regime, in Global Intellectual Property Protection and New
Constitutionalism: Hedging Exclusive Rights 176 (Jonathan Griffiths & Tuomas
Mylly eds., Oxford University Press 2021)
From Struggle to Surge:
China's TRIPS Experience and Its Lessons for Access to Medicines, in
Intellectual Property Law and Access to Medicine: TRIPS Agreement, Health, and Pharmaceuticals
172 (Srividhya Ragavan & Amaka Vanni eds., Routledge
TRIPS-Plus Negotiations with UN Sustainable Development
Goals, in Intellectual Property and Sustainable
Markets 38 (Ole-Andreas Rognstad & Inger B. Ørstavik eds., Edward Elgar
Property, Human Rights, and Methodological Reflections, in
Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives
182 (Irene Calboli & Maria Lillà
Montagnani eds., Oxford University Press 2021)
Challenges, and
Possibilities: An Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Innovation Symposium,
7 Tex. A&M J. Prop. L. 1 (2021)
Transparency and Accountability: Three Additional Features
Algorithm Designers Should Build into Intelligent Platforms,
13 Ne. U. L. Rev. 263 (2021)
An Intellectual Property Structural Engineer Extraordinaire and Her Lifelong Quest for
Coherence, in Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law:
Essays in Honour of Annette Kur 232 (Niklas Bruun, Graeme B.
Dinwoodie, Marianne Levin & Ansgar Ohly eds., Cambridge University Press
Artificial Intelligence, the Law–Machine Interface, and Fair Use
Automation, 72 Ala. L. Rev. 187 (2020)
China's Innovative Turn and the Changing Pharmaceutical
Landscape, 51 U. Pac. L. Rev. 593 (2020)
Caught in the Middle: WIPO and Emerging
Economies, in Research Handbook on the World Intellectual Property Organization: The First 50 Years and Beyond
358 (Sam Ricketson ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2020)
Can Algorithms Promote Fair
Use?, 14 FIU L. Rev. 329 (2020)
The Algorithmic Divide and Equality in the Age of Artificial
Intelligence, 72 Fla. L. Rev. 331 (2020)
Challenges to the Development of a Human Rights Framework for Intellectual
Property, in Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights 89 (Paul Torremans ed., 4th ed., Kluwer Law International 2020) (abridged and adapted from 40
U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1039)
and Its Contents, 60 IDEA 149 (2020)
Conceptual and Institutional Improvements
to Investor-State Dispute
Settlement, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Investment Law
366 (Christophe Geiger ed.,
Edward Elgar Publishing 2020)
Data Exclusivities and the Limits to TRIPS Harmonization,
46 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 641 (2019)
The RCEP Negotiations and Asian Intellectual Property Norm
Setters, in The Future of Asian Trade Deals and
IP 85 (Liu Kung-Chung & Julien Chaisse eds., Hart
Publishing 2019)
Hater’s Guide to Geoblocking, 25
B.U. J. Sci. &
Tech. L. 503 (2019)
State-to-State and Investor-State Copyright Dispute
Settlement, in Le droit d’auteur en action: Perspectives internationales sur les recours
421 (Ysolde Gendreau ed., Les Éditions Thémis 2019)
The Pathways of Multinational Intellectual Property Dispute
Settlement, in Intellectual Property and International Dispute Resolution
123 (Christopher Heath & Anselm Kamperman Sanders eds., Kluwer Law
Intellectual Property and Human Rights
2.0, 53 U. Rich. L. Rev. 1375 (2019)
China, “Belt and Road” and Intellectual Property
Cooperation, 14 Glob. Trade & Customs J.
244 (2019)
Comparative Lessons of Itar-Tass Russian News Agency v. Russian
Kurier, in The Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property in Central and Eastern Europe
110 (Mira T. Sundara Rajan ed., Cambridge University Press 2019)
Data Producer’s Right and the Protection of Machine-Generated Data, 93
Tul. L. Rev. 859 (2019), translated into Chinese as
(Chen Lu trans.),
27 Stud. in
Intell. Prop. Rts. (Zhou Lin trans. 2021)
Building Intellectual Property Infrastructure
China's Belt and Road, 14 U. Pa. Asian L. Rev. 275 (2019)
Intellectual Property and Private International
Law, in International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-Eighth Conference Held in Sydney 19–24 August 2018, at 315 (2019) (recap of remarks made at the 78th ILA Biennial Meeting)
Biobanking, Scientific Productions and Human
Rights, in Global Genes, Local Concerns: Legal, Ethical, and Scientific Challenges in International Biobanking 73
(Timo Minssen, Janne Rothmar Herrmann & Jens Schovsbo eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2019)
Development Bridge over Troubled Intellectual Property
Water, in Intellectual Property and Development: Understanding the
Interfaces—Liber Amicorum Pedro Roffe 97 (Carlos Correa & Xavier Seuba eds.,
Fair Use and Its Global Paradigm
Evolution, 2019 U. Ill. L. Rev. 111
The Rise of China in the International Intellectual Property Regime, in Handbook
on the International Political Economy of China
424 (Zeng Ka ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2019)
Exclusivities in the Age of Big Data, Biologics, and
Plurilaterals, 6 Tex. A&M L. Rev. Arguendo 22 (2018)
Foreword to Non-Conventional Copyright: Do New and Atypical Works Deserve Protection?
xi (Enrico Bonadio & Nicola Lucchi eds.,
Edward Elgar Publishing 2018)
TPP, RCEP and the Future of Copyright
Norm-setting in the Asian Pacific, in Making Copyright Work for the Asian
Pacific: Juxtaposing Harmonisation with Flexibility
19 (Susan Corbett & Jessica C. Lai eds., ANU Press
Investor-State Dispute Settlement and the Trans-Pacific
Partnership, in Intellectual Property and the Judiciary
463 (Christophe Geiger, Craig Allen Nard & Xavier Seuba
eds., Edward Elgar Publishing
Key Insights from Intellectual Property and the New International Economic
Order, 36 Yale J. on Reg.: Notice & Comment (Oct. 8,
Data Producer’s Right
in the Platform
Economy, 15 Medien und Recht International
63 (2018)
Intellectual Property, Human Rights and Public-Private
Partnerships, in The Cambridge Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships, Intellectual Property Governance, and Sustainable Development 398 (Margaret Chon, Pedro Roffe & Ahmed Abdel-Latif eds., Cambridge University Press 2018)
A Half-Century of Scholarship on the Chinese Intellectual Property
67 Am. U. L. Rev.
1045 (2018)
RCEP, and the Crossvergence of Asian Intellectual Property
Standards, in Governing Science and Technology Under the International Economic Order: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals 277 (Peng
Shin-yi, Liu Han-wei & Lin Ching-fu eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2018)
Customizing Fair Use Transplants,
Laws, Mar. 2018, no. 9
When the Chinese Intellectual Property System Hits
35, 8 Queen Mary J. Intell. Prop. 3 (2018)
Editorial, 8 Queen Mary J.
Intell. Prop. 1 (2018)
About the Trans-Pacific Partnership (and a Mega-Regional
Agreement on Life Support), 20 SMU Sci. & Tech.
L. Rev. 97 (2017)
ISDS with TRIPS, 49 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 321 (2017)
Spatial Critique of Intellectual Property Law and Policy,
74 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 2045 (2017)
Foreword to Patents and Innovation in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Two Systems in One Country Compared xiv (Li Yahong ed., Cambridge University Press 2017)
The RCEP and Intellectual Property Normsetting in the
Asia-Pacific, in Current Alliances in International Intellectual Property Lawmaking: The Emergence and Impact of
Mega-Regionals 89 (Pedro Roffe & Xavier Seuba eds., Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies and International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Intellectual Property Negotiations, the BRICS Factor and the Changing North–South
Debate, in The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation 148
(Rostam J. Neuwirth, Alexandr Svetlicinii & Denis De Castro
Halis eds., Cambridge University Press 2017)
RCEP and Trans-Pacific Intellectual Property
Norms, 50 Vand. J. Transnat’l L. 673 (2017)
The Copyright Holdout Problem and New Internet-Based
Services, in Remuneration of Copyright Owners:
Regulatory Challenges of New Business Models 241 (Liu Kung-Chung & Reto M. Hilty eds.,
2017) (with John T. Cross)
The Investment-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights, 66 Am. U. L. Rev. 829 (2017)
Seamless Global Digital Marketplace of Media and Entertainment Content, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property in Media and Entertainment
265 (Megan Richardson & Sam Ricketson
eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
International Technology Contracts, Restrictive Covenants and the UNCTAD
Code, in Employees, Trade Secrets and
Restrictive Covenants 41
(Christopher Heath & Anselm Kamperman Sanders eds.,
Kluwer Law International 2017)
Clusters and Links in Asian Intellectual Property Law and Policy, in Routledge Handbook
of Asian Law
147 (Christoph Antons ed., Routledge 2017)
The Competing Objectives Underlying the Protection of Intangible Cultural
Heritage, in Propriedade
Intelectual: Desenvolvimento na Agricultura 269 (Denis B. Barbosa & Marcos Wachowicz eds.,
Five Decades of Intellectual Property and Global Development, 8 WIPO J. 1 (2016)
The Quest for a User-Friendly Copyright Regime in Hong
Kong, 32 Am. U. Int’l L. Rev.
283 (2016)
Session 2: The U.S.
Perspective, 8 Geo. Mason J. Int'l Com. L. 26 (2016) (edited
transcript of "Authors,
Attribution, and, Integrity: A Symposium on Moral Rights")
A Neglected Child in the Intellectual Property Family, in
The Internet and the Emerging Importance of New Forms of Intellectual Property
279 (Susy Frankel & Daniel Gervais eds., Kluwer Law
International 2016)
The Copy in
Copyright, in Intellectual Property and Access to
Im/material Goods 65 (Jessica C. Lai & Antoinette Maget Dominicé eds., Edward Elgar
The Anatomy of the Human Rights Framework for Intellectual
Property, 69 SMU L. Rev. 37 (2016)
Property Enforcement and Global Climate Change,
in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and
Climate Change 107 (Joshua D. Sarnoff ed., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2016)
Comparative Economics of International
Intellectual Property Agreements, in
Comparative Law and Economics 282 (Theodore Eisenberg & Giovanni B. Ramello eds.,
Edward Elgar Publishing 2016)
The More Copyright Laws Change, the More Digital Challenges Stay the
Same, in Liber Amicorum Jan Rosén 895
(Gunnar Karnell, Annette Kur, Per Jonas Nordell, Daniel Westman, Johan Axhamn
& Stephan Carlsson eds., eddy.se 2016)
Transplant and Transformation
of Intellectual Property Laws in China, in
Governance of Intellectual Property Rights in China and Europe
20 (Nari Lee, Niklas Bruun & Li Mingde eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2016)
Intellectual Property, Asian Philosophy and the Yin-Yang School,
7 WIPO J. 1 (2015)
The Confuzzling Rhetoric Against New Copyright
Exceptions, in 1 Kritika: Essays on Intellectual Property 278 (Peter Drahos, Gustavo Ghidini & Hanns Ullrich eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2015)
of the Unintended in Copyright Law, 67 Stud.
L., Pol. & Soc'y 1 (2015)
to the Development of a Human Rights Framework for
Intellectual Property, in Intellectual Property
Law and Human Rights 87 (Paul L.C. Torremans ed., 3d ed., Kluwer Law
International 2015) (abridged and adapted from 40
U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1039)
Trade Secret Hacking, Online Data Breaches, and
China's Cyberthreats, 2015 Cardozo L. Rev.
de novo
the Seamless Global Distribution of Cloud
Content, in Privacy and Legal Issues in Cloud Computing
180 (Anne S.Y. Cheung & Rolf H. Weber eds.,
Edward Elgar Publishing 2015)
Intellectual Property and
Confucianism, in Diversity in Intellectual Property:
Identities, Interests, and Intersections 247 (Irene Calboli &
Srividhya Ragavan eds., Cambridge University Press
Intellectual Property Training and Education for Social
Justice, in Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurship, and Social
Justice: From Swords to Ploughshares
140 (Lateef Mtima ed., Edward Elgar Publishing
2015) (adapted from 28 Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 311)
Non-multilateral Approach to International
Intellectual Property Normsetting, in
International Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research 83 (Daniel J. Gervais ed., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2015)
Digital Copyright Enforcement Measures and Their Human Rights Threats, in
Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property
455 (Christophe Geiger
ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2015)
Trade Agreements and China's Global Intellectual
Property Strategy, in Intellectual Property and Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region
247 (Christoph
Antons & Reto M. Hilty eds., Springer 2015)
Déjà Vu in the International Intellectual Property
Regime, in The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property
(Matthew David & Debora Halbert eds., Sage
Publications 2015)
How Copyright Law
May Affect Pop Music Without Our Knowing
It, 83 UMKC L. Rev. 363 (2014), reprinted in
J. Intell. Prop. L. & Mgmt. 69 (2015)
Intellectual Property
Geographies, 6 WIPO J. 1 (2014)
Why Are the TRIPS Enforcement Provisions
Ineffective?, in Research Handbook on
Cross-Border Enforcement of Intellectual Property
770 (Paul Torremans ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2014) (abridged and adapted from 18 J.
Intell. Prop.
L. 479)
The International Enclosure of
China's Innovation Space, in Innovation and Intellectual Property in China:
Strategies, Contexts and Challenges 236 (Feng Xiaoqing & Ken Shao eds., Edward Elgar
The ACTA Committee,
in The ACTA and the Plurilateral Enforcement Agenda: Genesis and Aftermath
(Pedro Roffe & Xavier Seuba eds.,
Cambridge University Press 2014)
Can the Canadian UGC Exception Be Transplanted
Abroad?, 26 Intell. Prop. J. 175 (2014)
Moral Rights
2.0, 1 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 873 (2014) (updated from
KLI chapter)
TPP and Trans-Pacific
Perplexities, 37 Fordham Int'l L.J. 1129 (2014), reprinted in 1 Chinese
& Int'l Intell. Prop. Rev. 28 (2015)
Digital Copyright and the Parody Exception in Hong
Kong, 41 Media Asia 119 (2014)
The Strategic and Discursive Contributions of the Max Planck Principles for Intellectual Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional
Agreements, 62 Drake L. Rev. Discourse 20 (2014)
Curious Case of Fake Beijing Olympics Merchandise, in Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in a Global Economy
(Irene Calboli & Edward Lee eds., Edward
Elgar Publishing 2014)
Trade Agreement Cats and
the Digital Technology
Mouse, in Science and Technology in International Economic Law:
Balancing Competing Interests 185 (Bryan Mercurio & Ni
Kuei-Jung eds., Routledge 2014)
Economic Partnership Agreements and International Human
Rights, in EU Bilateral Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property:
For Better or Worse?
(Josef Drexl, Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan & Souheir Nadde-Phlix
eds., Springer 2014)
Middle Intellectual Property Powers, in Law and Development
of Middle-Income Countries:
Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap 84 (Randall Peerenboom
& Tom Ginsburg eds.,
Cambridge University Press 2014)
States v. China in the WTO, in 12
International Intellectual Property Law & Policy
587 (Hugh C. Hansen ed., Hart Publishing 2013)
(transcribed symposium remarks)
ACTA/TPP Country Clubs, in Access to Information and Knowledge: 21st Century Challenges in Intellectual Property and Knowledge Governance
258 (Dana Beldiman ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2013)
Virotech Patents,
Viropiracy, and Viral
Sovereignty, 45 Ariz. St. L.J. 1563 (2013)
The First Decade of TRIPS in
China, in China and Global Trade Governance: China's
First Decade in the World Trade Organization
126 (Zeng Ka & Liang Wei eds., Routledge 2013)
Building the Ladder: Three Decades of Development of the Chinese Patent
System, 5 WIPO J. 1 (2013)
Taking ATRIP Down Memory
Lane, 4 WIPO J. 277 (2013)
Oft-repeated Questions About China's Recent Rise as
a Patent Power,
2013 Cardozo L. Rev. de novo 78
Global Governance of HIV/AIDS and the Rugged Road Ahead:
An Epilogue, in
The Global Governance of HIV/ AIDS: Intellectual Property
and Access to Essential Medicines 223 (Obijiofor
John Harrington & Peter K. Yu eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2013)
IPC4D to Promote Access to
Essential Medicines, in The Global Governance
of HIV/ AIDS: Intellectual Property and Access to
Essential Medicines 200 (Obijiofor Aginam, John
Harrington & Peter K. Yu eds., Edward Elgar
Publishing 2013)
to Chidi Oguamanam, Intellectual Property in Global
Governance: A Development Question, at xiii (Routledge 2013)
Intellectual Property Training and Education for
Development, 28 Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 311 (2012)
Enforcement, What Enforcement?, 52 IDEA 369 (2012) (inaugural distinguished lecture)
The Confucian
Challenge to Intellectual Property Reforms, 4 WIPO J. 1 (2012)
Chinese Criminal Enforcement Norms Through the TRIPS
Agreement, in Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
286 (Christophe Geiger ed., Edward
Elgar Publishing 2012)
The Rise and Decline of the Intellectual Property
Powers, 34 Campbell L. Rev. 525 (2012)
The Alphabet Soup of Transborder Intellectual Property Enforcement,
60 Drake L. Rev. Discourse 16 (2012), reprinted in
Governing Innovation and Expression: New Regimes, Strategies and Techniques 239
(Katja Weckström, John Cross & Adam Candeub eds., University of Turku Faculty of Law 2013)
Region Codes and the Territorial
Mess, 30 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 187 (2012)
Intellectual Property and Human Rights in the Nonmultilateral
Era, 64 Fla. L. Rev. 1045 (2012)
Intellectual Property and Asian
Values, 16 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 329 (2012)
Personality Rights for Pop Stars in Hong Kong?, in
The New Law of Brands and Reputation in the Asia
Pacific Rim 64 (Andrew
Kenyon, Ng-Loy Wee Loon & Megan Richardson eds.,
Cambridge University Press 2012)
Are Developing Countries Playing a Better TRIPS
Game?, 16 UCLA J. Int'l L. & Foreign Aff.
311 (2011)
The Middle Kingdom and the Intellectual Property
World, 13 Or. Rev. Int'l L. 209 (2011)
and Its
Complex Politics, 3 WIPO J. 1 (2011)
Secret (and Now Open) Fears of ACTA, 64 SMU L.
Rev. 975 (2011)
TRIPS Enforcement Dispute, 89 Neb. L. Rev.
1046 (2011)
TRIPS and Its Achilles'
Heel, 18 J. Intell. Prop. L. 479 (2011)
Enforcement and Developing Countries, 26 Am. U.
Int'l L. Rev. 727 (2011)
Digital Copyright and Confuzzling
Rhetoric, 13 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 881
The U.S.-China Dispute over
TRIPS Enforcement, in The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Comparative Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region
239 (Christoph
Antons ed., Kluwer Law International
2011), preprinted in Drake University Law School,
Occasional Papers in Intellectual Property Law No. 5,
Sinic Trade
Agreements, 44 U.C.
Davis L. Rev. 953 (2011)
Rights 2.0, in Landmark Intellectual
Property Cases and Their Legacy 13 (Christopher Heath &
Anselm Kamperman Sanders eds., Kluwer Law
International 2011)
China & Intellectual
Property—IP Developments in
China, in 11 International Intellectual Property Law & Policy 631 (Hugh C. Hansen ed.,
Hart Publishing 2010) (transcribed symposium remarks)
Copyright Reform and Legal Transplants in Hong Kong,
48 U. Louisville L. Rev. 693 (2010), translated into Chinese in Copyright Law Reform: Theory and Practice (Jin Fuhai ed.,
Bi Rongjian trans., Peking University Press)
Enforcement, Economics and
Estimates, 2 WIPO J. 1 (2010)
The Objectives and
Principles of the TRIPS
Agreement, in Research Handbook on the
Protection of Intellectual Property Under WTO Rules
(Carlos M.
Correa ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2010)
(adapted from 46 Hous. L. Rev. 979)
Graduated Response, 62 Fla. L. Rev. 1373 (2010)
Political Economy of Data Protection, 84
Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 777 (2010)
Intellectual Property Reforms in China,
in Intellectual Property and Sustainable
Development: Development Agendas in a Changing World
37 (Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz
& Pedro Roffe eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2009) (abridged and
adapted from Intellectual
Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle)
Objectives and Principles of the TRIPS Agreement,
46 Hous. L. Rev. 979 (2009), translated into Japanese in 2 parts in 29
Intell. Prop. L. & Pol'y J. 143 (2010), 30 Intell. Prop. L. & Pol'y J. 115 (2010) (Kazuhiro Ando trans.)
Global Intellectual
Property Order and Its Undetermined Future, 1 WIPO J.
1 (2009), reprinted in Drake University Law School,
Occasional Papers in Intellectual Property Law No. 4,
Tale of Two Development Agendas, 35 Ohio N.U. L.
Rev. 465 (2009) (Dean's Lecture Series)
Intellectual Property Coalitions for Development,
in Implementing the World Intellectual Property
Development Agenda 79 (Jeremy de Beer ed., Wilfrid
Laurier University Press 2009), preprinted in
Center for International Governance Innovation,
Occasional Papers in Intellectual Property Law No. 37,
2008, translated into Portuguese as Construindo
Coalizões de Propriedade Intelectual Para o
Desenvolvimento (Aline Fidelis trans.), reprinted in Drake University Law School,
Occasional Papers in Intellectual Property Law No. 3,
TRIPs and China: Should a Case Be Brought?— Will It Be
Brought?, in 10 International Intellectual Property Law & Policy 983 (Hugh C. Hansen ed.,
Hart Publishing 2008) (transcribed symposium remarks)
Relics, Intellectual
Property, and Intangible Heritage,
81 Temp. L. Rev. 433 (2008)
Property, Foreign Direct Investment and the China
Exception, in The Global Challenge of
Intellectual Property Rights 153 (Robert C. Bird &
Subhash C. Jain eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2008) (abridged and
adapted from Intellectual
Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle)
and Comparative Aspects of Trademark Dilution Law, 17 Transnat'l L.
& Contemp.
Prob. 603 (2008) (with Mark D. Janis)
to Medicines, BRICS Alliances, and Collective
Action, 34 Am. J.L. & Med. 345 (2008)
Questions That Will Make You Rethink the U.S.-China
Intellectual Property Debate, 7 J. Marshall Rev.
Intel. Prop. L. 412 (2008), reprinted in Drake University Law School,
Occasional Papers in Intellectual Property Law No. 2,
to the Development of a Human-Rights Framework for
Intellectual Property, in Intellectual Property
and Human Rights 77 (Paul L.C. Torremans ed., Kluwer Law
International 2008) (abridged and adapted from 40 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1039)
International Intellectual Property Law, 52 St.
Louis U. L.J. 923 (2008)
Ifs and Other Alternative Intellectual Property and
Cyberlaw Stories: Foreword,
2008 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1
AELJ's Twenty-Fifth
Anniversary!, 25 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2007)
Common Questions About Intellectual Property and Human
Rights, 23 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 709 (2007)
Law and Copyright Misuse, in Un
Cocktail de Droit d'Auteurs 55 (Ysolde Gendreau ed.,
Les Éditions Thémis 2007),
reprinted with modifications in 56 Drake L. Rev. 427 (2008) (with
John T. Cross)
Enclosure, the Regime Complex, and Intellectual
Property Schizophrenia, 2007 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1
Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle, in Intellectual Property, Trade and
Development: Strategies to Optimize Economic
Development in a TRIPS-Plus Era 173 (Daniel J. Gervais
ed., Oxford University Press 2007), preprinted in Drake University Law School,
Occasional Papers in Intellectual Property Law No. 1,
International Enclosure Movement, 82 Ind. L.J. 827 (2007), translated
into Japanese in 4 parts in 16
Intell. Prop. L. & Pol'y J. 31 (2007), 17
Intell. Prop. L. & Pol'y J. 19 (2007), 18
Intell. Prop. L. & Pol'y J. 1 (2007), 19
Intell. Prop. L. & Pol'y J. 51 (2008)
(Aoyagi Yuka trans.)
Intellectual Property Interests in a Human Rights Framework,
40 U.C.
Davis L. Rev. 1039 (2007)
Session Transcript, 40 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1275
(2007) (edited transcript of the "Intellectual Property and Social
Justice" Symposium)
Digital Piracy and the Copyright Response, in Internet and
Governance in Asia—A Critical Reader 340 (Indrajit Banerjee ed.,
Asian Media Information and Communication Centre 2007)
Disharmonizing Trends in the International
Intellectual Property Regime, in
4 Intellectual Property and Information Wealth: Issues
and Practices in the Digital Age 73 (Peter K. Yu ed.,
Praeger Publishers 2007), translated into Japanese in
15 Intell. Prop.
L. & Pol'y J. 1 (2007) (Tamura Yoshiyuki & Murai Maiko
trans.) (updated from 38 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 323)
and Anti-anticircumvention, 84 Denv. U. L. Rev. 13 (2006),
reprinted in Intellectual Property and Digital Content (Richard S. Gruner ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2013)
Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property
in Post-WTO China, 55 Am. U. L. Rev. 901 (2006)
Monks, Medieval Scribes, and Middlemen, 2006 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1,
reprinted in The Political Economy of Intellectual Property
Rights (Christopher May ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2010)
and Its Discontents, 10 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 369
(2006), translated into Chinese as TRIPS协议欠发达国家的不满及应对
(Lily Xiaoli Wang trans.),
2006 Intell. Prop. Rts. Ann. J. 53 and
reprinted in ICFAI J. Intell. Prop. Rts., May 2007, at 14, and
4 Anuario andino de derechos intelectuales [Andean Y.B. Intell. Prop. Rts.] 17 (2008)
Review of Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of
Entertainment, 19 J. Media Econ. 141 (2006)
Dissatisfied After All These Years: Intellectual Property,
China, and the Avoidable Cycle of Futility, 34 Ga. J. Int'l
& Compar. L. 143 (2005), reprinted in ICFAI J. Intell.
Prop. Rts., Nov. 2006
and Distrust of Intellectual Property Rights, 18 Revue
quebecoise de droit international 107 (2005)
P2P and the Future of Private Copying, 76 U. Colo. L. Rev.
653 (2005)
Property and the Information Ecosystem, 2005 Mich. St.
L. Rev. 1, reprinted in ICFAI J.
Intell. Prop. Rts., Aug.
2005, at 32
Currents and Crosscurrents in the International Intellectual
Property Regime, 38 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 323 (2004), reprinted
in Michigan
State University College of Law, Occasional Papers in
Intellectual Property and Communications Law No. 5, 2005
Property at a Crossroads: Why History Matters, 38 Loy. L.A.
L. Rev. 1 (2004)
World Intellectual Property Organization
and the European Union, in 9 International Intellectual Property Law & Policy (Hugh C.
Hansen ed., forthcoming) (remarks transcribed in 2004)
Escalating Copyright Wars, 32 Hofstra L. Rev. 907 (2004), preprinted
in Michigan
State University-DCL College of Law, Occasional Papers in
Intellectual Property and Communications Law No. 1, 2003
Action Plan to Reinvent U.S.-China Intellectual Property Policy,
in 2
Commentaries on Law and
Public Policy 77 (Robert W. McGee ed., 2004) (abridged and adapted from 50 Am.
U. L. Rev. 131)
Origins of ccTLD Policymaking, 12 Cardozo J. Int'l &
Compar. L.
387 (2004) (updated from The
Never-ending ccTLD Story)
Common Misconceptions About Copyright Piracy, 26 Loy. L.A. Int'l &
Compar. L. Rev.
127 (2003)
China and the WTO: Progress, Perils, and Prospects, 17
Colum. J. Asian L. 1 (2003) (with Gordon Chang,
Jerome Cohen, Elizabeth Economy, Sharon Hom, and Li Qi)
Copyright Divide, 25 Cardozo L. Rev. 331 (2003)
Never-ending ccTLD Story, in Addressing
the World: National Identity and Internet Country Code
Domains 1 (Erica Schlesinger Wass ed., Rowman &
Littlefield 2003)
Rules in a Networked World,
STS Nexus, Spring 2003, at 6 (Supp.)
Knowledge, Intellectual Property, and Indigenous Culture: An
Introduction, 11 Cardozo J. Int'l & Compar. L. 239
Protection for Traditional Knowledge, in
8 International Intellectual Property Law & Policy (Hugh C.
Hansen ed., forthcoming) (remarks transcribed in 2003)
Harmonization Game: What Basketball Can Teach About Intellectual
Property and International Trade, 26
Fordham Int'l L.J. 218 (2003)
to The Marketplace of Ideas: Twenty Years of Cardozo Arts &
Entertainment Law Journal (Peter K. Yu ed., Kluwer Law
International 2002)
European Union's Privacy Directive,
in The
GigaLaw.com Guide to Internet Law 186 (Doug Isenberg ed.,
Random House 2002)
Second Coming of Intellectual Property Rights in China
N. Cardozo School of Law Occasional Papers in Intellectual
Property No. 11, 2002)
Trade, Intellectual Property, and the Global Elites: An
Introduction , 10 Cardozo J. Int'l &
L. 1 (2002)
a Nonzero-sum Approach to Resolving Global Intellectual Property
Disputes: What We Can Learn from Mediators, Business Strategists,
and International Relations Theorists, 70 U.
Cin. L. Rev. 569
the Digital Divide: Equality in the Information Age,
20 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2002)
Prejudice, and Perspectives: An Attempt to Use Shakespeare to Reconfigure the
U.S.-China Intellectual Property Debate, 19 B.U. Int'l L.J. 1 (2001), reprinted in Terry Halbert &
Elaine Ingulli, Law and Ethics in the Business Environment (4th
ed., South Western Educational Publishing 2002)
Pirates to Partners: Protecting Intellectual Property in China in
the Twenty-first Century,
50 Am. U. L. Rev. 131 (2000)
by Estoppel: Hong Kong's Succession to the ICCPR,
27 Pepp. L. Rev. 53 (1999)
Persona Test: Copyright Preemption in Human Audiovisual
Characters, 20 Cardozo L. Rev. 355 (1998), translated into
Chinese in 著作权与肖像权对音像作品虚构人物的交叉保护,
2 Am. L. Rev. 78 (2004) (Chris X. Lin trans.) (winner of First Prize in the Nathan Burkan
Memorial Writing Competition at Cardozo Law School, the
Gerald Rose Memorial Competition for Best Paper in Intellectual
Property at John Marshall Law School, and the Second
Prize in the Judge
John R. Brown Scholarship Foundation Award for Excellence in Legal
(student note)
Radio, Two Competing Interests: The Problem of Radio
Television Hong Kong, Post-Soviet Media L. & Pol'y
Newsl., June 15, 1998, at 48
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